Protecting Your Data: Why Sharing Personal Logins is a NO!

When it comes to your financial information, security is paramount. As your bookkeeper, a significant part of my responsibility is to ensure that your sensitive data remains safeguarded. There's a line that should never be crossed, and that line is sharing your personal login information. If your bookkeeper ever asks for your personal login details, consider it a red flag and take off running—metaphorically speaking, of course! 🏃‍♂️

Understanding Accountant's Access: A Secure Solution

When it comes to accessing your financial information, I'll request to be added as an accountant user. This type of access serves as a controlled gateway, allowing me to view the necessary data without compromising your account's security. Whether we're dealing with QuickBooks Online or your online banking platform, accountant's access provides a view-only privilege. This means I can see the information I need without having the ability to make changes or perform transactions.

Adding an Accountant User in QuickBooks Online:

  1. Log in to your QuickBooks Online account

  2. Click on the Gear icon in the upper righthand corner

  3. Select Manage users under the Your Company heading

  4. Click on the Accounting firms tab

  5. Click the big green Invite button

  6. Enter the user’s email address, and - voilà - an invite will be sent

This setup not only protects your financial data but also ensures that all the activities on my account are traceable back to me - right down to the time I logged into your account.

Your Banking Information: View-Only Access or Secure Uploads

When it comes to your banking information, I'll request view-only access if your bank provides the option. This limited access allows me to review the necessary information without compromising the security of your accounts. If view-only access isn't available, I may ask you to upload your statements to our secure shared drive. This alternative method maintains the necessary security measures while providing me with the data required for accurate bookkeeping.

What I DON'T Need:

I never need your personal login information. Banks consistently advise against sharing passwords with anyone, and this includes your bookkeeper! Providing view-only access ensures that I can perform my duties without putting your account at risk.

Mutual Protection: Keeping Your Information Secure

Remember, keeping your financial information protected not only safeguards your interests but also protects my business. No one should ever have direct access to your personal login information because it is direct access to your hard-earned money. If you ever have questions or concerns about security practices, feel free to ask. Maintaining an open line of communication ensures that you and your bookkeeper can work together to keep your financial information safe and sound - any professional in the financial field will tell you the same.

Questions? Ask away!


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